Thursday, September 9, 2010

I need more time...

Valued Blog Readers,

I hope that those of you who used to be perspective students who are now STUDENTS at ASU are finding their first few weeks in Boone enjoyable.

As is the custom in my life, time has become an incredibly valuable commodity. I am taking 16 credit hours and I got a job the week before classes started. So between class, waiting on my tables at work, homework and sleep, there is little time for anything else. But don't pity me, Readers, I am not truly happy unless I am running in a million different directions like a chicken with its head cut off.

Currently I am applying to two different schools on campus (curse double majoring), as well as working on my application for a summer internship. I am also hanging out with all my new international friends (I recommend you befriend one!). I also need to start practicing my Spanish because I have to apply to study abroad soon...... so many applications, so little time.

If all goes to plan, this blog will take a hiatus from "perspective student talk" and transform into "Landon's Life Fits in a suitcase," recounting my soon to be travels.

I leave you with a link to a radio station that adds sound to my evening, Ibiza Sonica.... but be a snooty "Spanish-know-it-all" and use a southern Spain accent and say "Ibi-THA" to impress your friends.

Les cuidan!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Another One Bites the Dust...

Valued Blog followers,

I do apologize for my absents from posting, but I was in summer school, which almost killed me I might add. I hope you have all been busy too, for idle hands are the devil's tools (or some pious nonsense like that).

I have much to share with you!

This blog is supposed to be geared towards prospective students, although I'll admit I digress from that point of view in many of my post. But in my Sophomore English class I took this summer, we created a wikispace just for you future mountaineers! Of course, yours truly wrote about coffee, but I invite you to take a peak at my group members pages as well.

If you are arriving soon for your first fall semester, please be advised that campus is still undergoing massive construction (like always). Stay away from all the streets near the library, for many of them are either torn up or are undergoing repairs (it's just a big mess).

Another piece of advice that Admissions hates me talking about. If you are coming into Boone on hwy 421, STOP SPEEDING after you pass under the 'Blue Ridge Parkway' stone bridge (about 10 miles outside of town). Boone police have NOTHING better to do than to pull you over for speeding. And you will more than likely have to drive down Rivers Street (main road that divides campus in two). 25 MEANS 25, as many of us have had to learn the hard way....

Also, be cautious of where you park. But the campus parking office is full of WONDERFUL people so it isn't too difficult to get those pesky parking citations expunged (speaking of which, I need to go take care of one of my own parking citations).

Oh, incoming Freshman... what a journey you are about to embark on. Keep me informed!!!!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer 2010

Greetings Blog Readers!

So summer has been raging towards Fall 2010 for about a month now. I wish I had glamorous tales of world travel and crazy nights on the town reconnecting with old friends, but I'm slowly transforming into an adult, which means I've been working nonstop and handling responsiblilites like moving into my first apartment (From Starbucks to BeansTalk house warming party in August? I think yes!).

I am about to have my summer fun before second session summer school starts, I'm hopping onto a plane tomorrow and heading to Boston for the rest of the week with my life manager/shrink/financial adviser/Jewish girlfriend, Michelle! We are going to explore the city that we both may move to after graduating from App.

While I don't have too many pieces of advise or encouragement for you at the moment, I will leave you with some musical education.

Because they are trying so hard to blow up on the American music scene, and you will look really cool already knowing their songs if you go to see Lady Gaga this fall!

Because it's a mixture of the old and the new. AND despite the fact that we live in the United States, Electronic is alive and well everywhere else!

Because there was a time in Hip Hop before Lil Wayne, and how glorious it was!

Because you need to be well rounded in multiple time periods of music!

Because even if I live in a small mountain town for the next three years, I will always maintain the spirit of a grungy NYC partier.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Friends for Life

So, I can't go into any kind of detail, but this evening I have learned one important thing: college friends are life friends. The things you will end up doing to help your friends at 1 AM only solidifies your bond. 

I can't express how excited I am for you to begin your college journey. You are going to meet some of the greatest (and worst) people you have ever met. You are going to experience the highest of highs and still the lowest of lows, but I promise you, it's all going to be worth it. You are going to grow as a person into something beautiful you didn't even know you were capable of. You are going to surprise yourself and others daily (please keep in mind that this will not always be a positive thing).

Take full advantage of this experience you will soon be embarking on, and share some of your stories with me if we happen to run into each other on campus, I always love a good chat! 

With all my love and respect, 


Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Yikes, guys!

It has been quite a while since I have posted. Life has been crazy. For those of you that saw my last post, the App State Against Hate shoot went amazingly! I've included a link to the album on facebook that has what I'm calling the "good rejects." (We held on to the best ones to be edited for the gallery exhibit that will hopefully happen next semester!)

So, I'm very busy with work so don't expect a post too soon. 

I will however close on a comical note. I've been told that I have to keep my blogging "appropriate" (such a dirty word XP ) because "prospective students, their parents, and university personal read it," well I'm going to test that statement. Person in charge of campus decoration: PLEASE TAKE DOWN THE 20 ft CHRISTMAS TREE THAT IS STILL UP IN FRONT OF THE CONVOCATION CENTER! That is why we've had such a brutal winter, don't you mountain people know its bad luck to leave up Christmas decorations after the first 3 days of the new year, SHAME! 

Hope everyone is having a lovely week. Keep trucking onward if you're not, the weekend will be here before you know it!


Monday, February 15, 2010

App State Against Hate


It is time I call on you to help me out in my crusade for social justice and universal equality. My Good friends Michelle, Matt, Freddy and I have teamed up to bring marriage equality to Boone, NC. 

Maybe you've herd of NO H8, well this is similar, BUT DIFFERENT (we ran into so potential copy right issues....). "App State Against Hate" is what we are calling it. We are inviting all university faculty, staff and students to come out and pose in black t-shits, yellow duck tape with our "App State Against Hate" logo painted on your check. 

So far, the response has been explosive. I created an event to test for interest and with in 24 hours we had over 300 members. Below I've included the link to the Facebook Group and to the Event. Check them both out! If you are interested, RSVP, tell everyone you know, and BE THERE!!!!!


Monday, February 8, 2010

La Musia y Nieve

How goes it friends? 

Hope everyone is have a wonderful Monday. I had my first class of the day canceled so I caught up on sleep. 

Today I'm going to touch on a few things close to my heart (both figuratively and literally): Music and Snow. 

If you end up coming to App, you are going to be inundated with an avalanche of both (haha...."avalanche" because I'm talking about snow... get it....oh never mind). Obviously, Boone is in the mountains so IT'S COLD!! Once you become a student here, please don't make a scene and complain about how cold it is and blah blah blah... YES! IT IS COLD! If you had gone to the University of Miami, you wouldn't be wining all day about how hot it is.

 And then there is the Music! You're iTunes library is going to take up more memory space than school work after just a few short weeks in the dorms. I have been exposed to so many new genres and bands and it has been one of the greatest perks of college so far. For you seniors who are still working hard (you got the acceptance letter, chill!) Look up Pretty Lights, it's great study music. 

Everyone stay bundled up. These past few weeks have made me question Al Gores claims about Global Warming. 
