Friday, August 13, 2010

Another One Bites the Dust...

Valued Blog followers,

I do apologize for my absents from posting, but I was in summer school, which almost killed me I might add. I hope you have all been busy too, for idle hands are the devil's tools (or some pious nonsense like that).

I have much to share with you!

This blog is supposed to be geared towards prospective students, although I'll admit I digress from that point of view in many of my post. But in my Sophomore English class I took this summer, we created a wikispace just for you future mountaineers! Of course, yours truly wrote about coffee, but I invite you to take a peak at my group members pages as well.

If you are arriving soon for your first fall semester, please be advised that campus is still undergoing massive construction (like always). Stay away from all the streets near the library, for many of them are either torn up or are undergoing repairs (it's just a big mess).

Another piece of advice that Admissions hates me talking about. If you are coming into Boone on hwy 421, STOP SPEEDING after you pass under the 'Blue Ridge Parkway' stone bridge (about 10 miles outside of town). Boone police have NOTHING better to do than to pull you over for speeding. And you will more than likely have to drive down Rivers Street (main road that divides campus in two). 25 MEANS 25, as many of us have had to learn the hard way....

Also, be cautious of where you park. But the campus parking office is full of WONDERFUL people so it isn't too difficult to get those pesky parking citations expunged (speaking of which, I need to go take care of one of my own parking citations).

Oh, incoming Freshman... what a journey you are about to embark on. Keep me informed!!!!