Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Thousand Apologies

So guys, I haven't updated in over a month, I'm busy OK! 

Quick recap (because no one has time to read War and Peace)...
I went home, and posted that lovely blog about how Boone gets an 'F' in holiday political correctness. I worked a ton the entire break, but don't fret, boys and girls, Mr. Landon had some fun as well. Took a trip down to Atlanta to see Lady Gaga (hate if you want, but according to Rolling Stone she is arguably the artist of the last decade).

Refocus back onto Boone. We got back and it was a bit on the FREAKING cold side. But, global warming showed Appalachian a little mercy this week and it has been rather enjoyable outside.

Getting off to a good start with classes this semester has also proven to be a bit of a challenge. Prospective Freshman, you are going to have it SOO much easier next year. My class got to start off App's new GenEd (General Education) plan, and let me just say, it is about as clear as mud... My class had NO upperclassmen to help us understand the multitude of charts and graphs and oddball terminology. It's confusing... But take comfort in the fact that we, the class soon to be above you, can help you guide your way through the baffling GenEd. 

This semester has just begun, but it will fly by like all the others.

AGAIN, if any of you future Boone **this was actually a funny joke until I had it censored**, I mean "Perspective Students" have questions or concerns, leave a comment or send an email. Believe me, I have PLENTY of time to answer back. 

les deseo suerte y salud! 


  1. I mentioned Lady Gaga in my last post. How ironic... And I agree, she's good - but I don't always love her choice of dress.

  2. Okay i been reading your blog way over since last year, and i really want to go to AppState. I applied over thanksgiving break, and still waiting for a hopefull ''YES'', but i am pretty nervous. Do you have any last minute tips on getting in ?? And by the way your lingo here and there, keeps it interesting. THanks again

  3. Holly crap, Manny. I ned to set up some kind of notification so that I see when people comment (seeing as this response is a good 4 months too late). SORRRRY!!!!
    I'm sure you got in. Please let me know!
