Monday, September 21, 2009

"Where is my umbrella??"

Loyal blog followers (all two of you!) I feel it is my duty as a blogger to inform you that it has been raining here in Boone for almost 10 days now. 

While I wont try and refute the value of a good days worth of rain, 10 days straight of gloomy skies and endless rain puddles begins to hamper the soul, and lets be honest.... the hair.

After these almost two weeks of endless showers, I have concluded that London and Seattle are officially marked off my "Cities to Live In" list. 

But this monotony of eternal rainfall does seem to come with a few perks. Umbrella's are a must! And while your first impulse as a dude might be "anti-umbrella," I would implore you to rethink. Nothing helps one's "game" more than offering others shelter from the elements. And that goes for everyone! Guys, girls, EVERYONE! An investment in an umbrella is not only an investment in the dryness of oneself, but its also an investment in "friendship" *cough cough* (God, I'm going to get in trouble from admissions for talking about improving one's "game" via umbrella's). 

Hope its dry where ever you are, valued readers! 

P.S. I wrote this while I was supposed to be doing math homework before class. LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES!!!! 


  1. Mama Alberti says my email address is incorrect! get the sun to arrive by the weekend, can you?
